The deadline for sending the Registration form and for transfering the Participation fee 130 € is January 21, 2022.
Participation fee:
130 € / 1 team
250 € / 2 teams
360 € / 3 teams
450 € / 4 teams
500 € / 5 teams
ATTENTION: 350 € - per each registered team, which does not provide accommodation and board by way of the organizers official offer.
Additional information:
Bank connection: UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., Hlavná 29, 080 01 Prešov , Slovakia
Account name: PRO 4SPORT Junior, Jazdecká 1/A, Prešov, Slovakia
IBAN: SK64 1111 0000 0015 8366 8006, SWIFT (BIC): UNCRSKBXXX
Additional Information: NAME OF THE CLUB + age-category!